I like to cook, and I like watching cooking videos (especially short ones as my attention span has been destroyed) but a lot of videos that get recommended to me are completely inaccessible to me due to expensive specialty hardware or are weirdly chuddy. If you know of some good channels, can you link them to me?
Thank you, –CapnCat
fitgreenmind has recipes that are good for health
lifeofboris for easy slavic recipes, based attitude towards home cooking and his videos are entertaining enough for short attention span
spainonafork also makes easy to cook stuff, relaxing presentation
oldscoolkevmo is a chill old dude who makes short videos
some of theeburgerdude’s recipes require powders that can only be found deep underwater in the ruins of R’lyeh but overall the channel also has a based (deep fried) attitude towards food
greatindianasmr Indian food is already a global superpower
tiny kitchen
Will Yeung and Wicked Kitchen