you’re getting breast fed by some fucking animal, isn’t that weird?
if this thread gets horny we’re shutting the site down
If you’re eating vegetables aren’t you just eating plant genitals and children? Isn’t that weird?
No, it’s weirder when you rape an animal just to have its juices for your cereal.
Eating the fruits plants produce explicitly for other animals to eat is normal.
Eating the milk animals produce explicitly for other animals to eat is normal.
You, again, trying to respond to me with the most contrarian position possible.
Cows do not produce milk for other animals to eat like fruit. The produce it for their young for 10 months, and then stop producing it.
21st century and still drinking cows milk
I’ve been drinking my wife’s milk for health reasons for years, and she seems to be fine with it. My son is 6 and daughter is 4 and they still love some bitty, I just wish there wasn’t so much stigma around it. It’s so much healthier than cows milk, contains uridine for brain growth and antibodies so they’re never sick. It also makes for great cheese (no pun intended). My friends can’t get enough of our homemade treats at the cheese and wine evenings, they keep asking “where do you get it from?” and I just tell them its a family recipe (not secret because i once nearly got busted as they heard secret(ion) hehe). It’s also also the perfect snack during a night out if you want to settle your stomach with some warm sweet milk. I think this is the one thing that annoys her because my wife can’t drink (much) alcohol, but I don’t want to get the kids on egg-nog, not at that age anyway.
she consented. it was purely sexual