Christianity is a danger to kids mental health
Not all antitheism is the same. On the one hand, you have French revolutionaries messing up the calendar and appropriating churches to spite Catholics. On the other hand, you have debatebros who hate Muslims and trans people so much they become creationists again. I need to study the history of atheist movements sometime and see why the nu-atheists ended up being such a mess.
Some key elements to research would be atheism+ and “elevator-gate” and “gamer-gate”
This bill has strong bi-partisan support
Oh shit! Oh Fuck!
Lizzo promoting a bill co authored by a guy saying that teaching kids about racism is dangerous?
I know most celebs are very obvious, unironic “virtue signallers” (I hate that term, but I can’t think of another term), but this is getting into comedic territory. Promoting a bill written by a racist “teaching the darn kids CRT is bad” guy.
Christianity is a cancer that must be excised from the world
What’s fascinating to me is that Christians don’t even like the tenets of Christianity.
“Well the rich are virtuous and the poor are evil, but this book says I need to pretend like the opposite is true to get enough good boy points to get into heaven.”
I gotta say I’m getting real tired of this hippie commie Jesus shit.
Are we talking about the Jesus who said “Whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, so you do unto me” [Matthew 25:41-45], or the one who said “To those who have much, much will be given, and from those who have little, even what little they have will be taken” [Matthew 25:29]?
Are we talking about the Jesus who said “Sell all you have and give the money to the poor” [Matthew 19:21], or about the Jesus who said “You will always have poor people, so don’t waste money on them that could be used to glorify me instead” [Matthew 26:8-11]?
Did he say “Love your neighbour as yourself” [Matthew 22:39], or did he say “I have come to set father against son and mother against daughter! Anyone who does not hate his family is not worthy of me!” [Matthew 10:34-37]?
I have never understood the desire to run defense for Christianity. You can talk about liberation theology day and night but I’m not just gonna forget that the book wants people like me dead while supposed allies go “that wasn’t real Christianity”
I know you have to work with Christians but I’m not just gonna ignore the basic tenets and go “I can fix him” but with organized religion
Jesus’ message, 99% of the time, is just, “the only thing that really matters is your devotion to me, messiah, and through this, your eternal life after the apocalypse”.
The Bible has him say this in 200 different ways through parables and examplea of how you can do this, but people keep getting hung up on the context rather than the message. I think part of the issue is that most people, Christians included, never just sit down and read the Bible cover to cover, or even just the Gospels.
Matthew 25 is a parable about stewardship, and how one should try to improve with what they’re given - the last line there is directed to a man who was entrusted with a bag of gold, and instead of doing anything with it simply buried it. It is still some prosperity gospel bullshit though, as it’s presented with the framing of a slaveowner expecting investment returns from his slaves - it Ain’t Good, that’s for sure.
Matthew 10 is in the context of an argument between family, not Jesus coming to rend families forcefully apart. The full passage is about how what the disciples are going out to preach will cause divisions, because they’re preaching something new that goes against what was at the time the ruling class, which sounds a bit familiar to me.
I don’t disagree that the Bible has some fucked up shit, and that it has been used to justify some of if not all the world’s most heinous events, but I’d like to think we’re all better than atheists grabbing single lines from larger passages.
The Bible (and all holy texts) are full of contradictions, arguments about translations, and other issues. A wise person has two basic choices with them.
- Reject them entirely
- Just openly choose to reject the bad stuff and embrace the good stuff and not be embarrassed by it.
Liberation theologians basically choose to do the later if they’re smart about it (some of them claim they aren’t, and say what they believe is “True christianity” and I agree that that is dumb.)
I was raised in a religion (Christian Science) where I think the best part of it was that they openly said they don’t take the Bible literally but instead take the “inspired word of the Bible”. So I have always found Biblical literalists to be a joke. Conversely though, I have also found athiets who insist that Christians MUST take responsibility for every word thats in the Bible (or Muslims with the Quran) to be silly as well. We should want religious people to take a progressive interpretation of their religion, not try to guilt them for aspects of the text they don’t actually believe in. It may strike athiets as hypocritical, but for me as someone who’s experience with religion was that you’re SUPPOSED to do that, its simply how you should approach religious texts. They’re inherently up to interpreation.
So while I am not longer religious and only barely spiritual, I do encourage progressive interpretations of Christianity and support progressive Christians and dont think they have to answer for passages that are bad if they dont support the message those passages are sending.
Disclosure: Because my experience with religion being mostly positive despite the fact that I am no longer religious, combined with my autism, I tend to find it difficult to relate to people who have experienced religious trauma. I’ve been trying to adjust to this for awhile, but its been difficult.
If you’re looking for something to fill the spiritual void, you might be interested in Gnosticism. The concept of the demiurge is that the Christian God is real, but he is the devil and there is a greater “true” god.
Christians are gleefully evil in the real world, and almost seem to be aware of their amoral decadence, and fucking love it. Look at 4chan, from the get-go the whole concept is “we are like minions, let us be as horrible and evil as humanely possible.” and surprise surprise, the WASP American Republican is one of the few people on earth they do not despise. I do not think ALL Christians are evil, however since religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature and all that fun stuff.
Look, I hate the Vatican for that and other reasons, but they are not a significant player in the basis for this bill being passed except insofar as Protestantism existing is their fault in the first place.
i truly wish these people would feel even an ounce of dysphoria in their ghoulish fucking lives
I wish them all a brief and final stay with McConnell in the stroke unit.
Mandatory hrt for all transphobes. Forcible experience of empathy for the cis ones who lack it, help for closet self-hating trans people.
What if we did Russia’s gay propaganda laws???