I start a book > I buy three books because they’re cited in it > I start three books
Start reading a book you’ve been putting off.
Right now.
Do it.
You’ll enjoy it, I promise you.
My strategy has been to block out an hour in the evening where I go do some reading. I find having a routine really helps, often I’ll read more once I start, but this way I know I’ll read at least an hour each day. Once you get the habit formed, you start doing it naturally. Another thing I found is that it’s ok to abandon books. Sometimes a book just doesn’t do anything for you, and I used to try and push through, but realized there’s really no point reading a book you’re not enjoying.
I imposed a moratorium on new books until I chew a chunk out of my pile. In the meantime I make lists, and whenever a book is referenced again I put a check by it. It helps prioritize my future purchases.
I’ve been using https://bookwyrm.social to track my reading lists. It’s pretty nice.
“Oh, can I borrow this?”
“Um, no, I’m reading it.”
Feel a bit called out by this.