What will be banned? Maybe we will see unbans?

I play only Explorer, so I hope for [[Karn, the Great Creator]] ban. Without wishboard MonoG will need to have answers in maindeck, so [[Storm the Festival]] won’t be as consistent as now. Midrange deck, that have combo-finisher ( with [[Pestilent Cauldron]] ) and can loop [[The Stone Brain]], seems too strong right now.

About unbans. I don’t know about 2 cards:

  • [[Nexus of Fate]]
  • [[Leyline of Abundance]]

Will they break current Pioneer? The rest can’t be unbanned.

0 points

My prediction (sadly) is no changes to any format.

I mostly follow Legacy and Modern and don’t think Legacy needs anything really. Modern, though, feels really unfun for me and has since MH2 really 😞 I’d personally love to see the evoke elementals eat bans, among others too as I just feel a lot of those designed-for-Modern cards were a mistake.

I’d also love for [[Splinter Twin]] and [[Birthing Pod]] to come back, admittedly because I love those cards and think they’d be really fun/fine given how Modern has changed.

Not sure how I feel about Bowmasters and The One Ring, I’d love to hear how others feel about these two. The One Ring feels way too pushed and like it creates a subgame as soon as it hits the board, quickly snowballing. I can’t see it eating a ban on Monday, particularly given LTR is still actively being sold, but I think it does have a target on its back.




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