President Bill Biben from the dystopian satire of american culture edge smasher, a cult hit but got panned by critics for being “unbelievable”. In this scene President Biben is ranting and raving about seeing ghosts when he used to be a bellhop in 1901.
I cued it up to a random spot with cheering - Biden speaks at campaign rally in North Carolina following debate. They must have put in a huge number of ringers into the audience. There’s no way they could be that excited about Joe Fucking Tired Old Man Dead Man Walking Biden. No way at all.
He’s got them crazy eyes.
I bet they make 100% sure Biden only appears in public or meets the media long before sundown. He’s been a pol for ~50 years so he sometimes can get on the stump and do his angry old man thing. He seems to be in excellent form there. But I’d bet my life savings he can’t do that once it’s getting dark. And they desperately don’t to give the public single reminder of how broken down he is.
He is charging up his eye beams.