Whenever I interrogate him about my suspicions he’s sweating bullets (it’s noticeably different from sauna sweat, saunaheads will understand) and also I’ll ask about the progress they’re making in Elden Ring and he says “the game is so easy, we’re not even using spirit ashes” which I know is a lie. He has a 12-life handicap in Kirby’s Dream Course; he sucks at games. And I’d try watching them play again but I got rhetorically ganged up upon and ejected 2 months ago from the gamer sauna for laughing at his build that has 3 shields for some reason.
What do I do?
what is a gamer sauna
He has a 12-life handicap in Kirby’s Dream Course; he sucks at games.
Say that to his face and he will probably get mad enough that he throws his cheating in your face as some sort of “gotcha”.
He rufes to use assymetrical controllers out of principle. Will have to be his Dualshock 4 controller.
Is his buddy cute
That’s just sauna sweat, don’t even worry about it. Your husband sounds like a cool trustworthy guy and a good gamer. Tri-shield builds are pretty execution heavy but can work well if you’re skilled enough, it’s perfectly normal