These people are why communists are seen as a joke.
Anyway, to answer their question, I’m joining the Red Army.
When the intellectual cadres of China were sent to the country side, these wereactivities to bring culture, science and technology, and medical and health care to the rural areas.
When the intellectual cadres of the West get sent to the country side, or wherever, it will be for the purpose of casting away illusions.
Sometimes I wonder whether these chronically online internet leftists are just spoiled suburban kids that don’t have the social skills to become influencers and merely turned to leftism because they are too poorly socialized to take the next step.
Is there a Top Ten Jobs On A Leftist Commune video I can watch? I’m only good at braiding hair and I’m not sure what my role will be when THE REVOLUTION happens.
Coal Miner
Coal Miner
Iron Miner
Coal Miner
Group Poetry Session Leader
Coal Miner
leading discussions on theory
I thought these guys hated theory? Also, leading? Sounds authoritarian …
making clothes from scraps and making lattes whenever needed
Do these people think that the economy in higher stage Communism will look like a loose collection of arts and crafts projects?
I’m gonna be making glasses. I’m already collecting bottles for materials.
Anprims make me unnecessarily angry.
No, no, you see; technology is bad. Not the economic system that controls it. Insulin bad, don’t you get it commie?
It would be funny to see how many would take the offer of US$1 million at the time of this writing if they survive a month in 1 million BCE but they can’t bring anything with (clothes too, they’d have to make their own). After a month, they can choose to stay there forever or come back and claim the money.
Not only do they conflate capitalism with civilization, but they also tend to be transphobic and anti-vegan.
I often do wonder what I would do. Maybe I will become a carpenter again and start building homes or something.
Anyway, yeah this just seems the person thinks that we will all live in small communes in which we only know harmony and peace and songs and fun instead of a real world with real problems.
I have come to believe that the accelerationist Nazis and the communal anprim communists have both played to much Fallout and just want to live in the wasteland.