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The non-Marxist things in this list are even more baffling, to be honest. Who the fuck is afraid of second-wave feminism in 2005? Also lol wtf Keynes.
Even most honest pro-free market economists recognize just how important Keynes was.
Who the fuck is afraid of second-wave feminism in 2005?
I mean it’s 2020 and we’re still up to our collective tits in terfs.
I can’t decide if John Dewey, Keynes, or BGE is the most hilarious from this list. Gun to my head, Dewey.
I actually understand BGE. It’s dumb, but I get it.
This is the first I’ve even heard of Dewey.
I’m probably just biased because I really like BGE and felt it, with some of his other works, were really formative to me for who I am today.
Dewey was an early 20th century philosopher of education that you have to read if you’re becoming a teacher in the US. I don’t remember too much but nothing of his stood out to me as iconoclastic, just that students shouldn’t be passive subject in classrooms, that their interactivity with not only the subject but what the studied was key to their growth, and that a good education isn’t just like, a training program, but teaches students to both inquire and solve their own inquiries. Idk generally pretty uncontroversial stuff. I didn’t read the specific book mentioned in the list, so maybe it’s a radical departure from his other pedagogical writings.
What a masturbatory, reactionary charade. I guarantee the purpose of this list is “Let’s make it so Communism is worse than Nazism.” Lenin’s gotta feel let down losing out to such violent theoreticians as John fucking Dewey
“Dewey’s ideas were never broadly and deeply integrated into the practices of American public schools, though some of his values and terms were widespread.[2] Progressive education (both as espoused by Dewey, and in the more popular and inept forms of which Dewey was critical) was essentially scrapped during the Cold War, when the dominant concern in education was creating and sustaining a scientific and technological elite for military purposes.[citation needed] In the post-Cold War period, however, progressive education had reemerged in many school reform and education theory circles as a thriving field of inquiry learning and inquiry-based science.”
damn, dude was cold blooded
Okay, the manifesto is obviously going to be up there but fucking Das Kapital? A fucking long ass critique of capitalism is one of the most harmful books? I can just imagine some reactionary dipshit reading like 120 pages about linen and coats and being like “My god, this is SO HARMFUL.”