The guy in the LA stream making fun of the cop is definitely a poster on here…
Portland declared a riot and they’re just standing there…
Some Portland protesters don’t even move for LRAD unless they set it to cook.
They’re throwing molotovs in Portland, this is not a joke.
Someone just threw a molotov in Portland
happened on day 100 of the protest too, but yeah shit is really going down tonight, can’t imagine what Portland is going to be like on Saturday.
I’m legit worried. It’s going to be a pressure cooker and both sides are starting to show their power level. Two cops shot tonight. People are finally starting to fight back.
Edit: Well, the right has always shown how violent they can be. But they’re feeling pretty emboldened right now. And they’ll have the full support of the police.
I’ve been watching the streams all day, the Portland protesters are fucking next level. The pigs seem to have a much harder time touching them
I think cops just pulled back outta formation in Portland just now.
I’m no tactician, but it always seems so depressing in these streams. People don’t hold the line, a lack of dearresting, and I just feel even more helpless since I’m in an area where nothing is happening.
Just yelling at these creatures doesn’t do anything. There has to be a way to jam their comms and fucking fight back.
Idk, i’m so tired of this planet.
hardcore tactics requires organization that doesn’t (and probably can’t) exist at this moment in time. once the state fully siezes and whatever comes happens, you’ll start to see a bunch of orgs pop up that can credibly speak for the movement in the streets and its really only then that more tactical encounters with security forces can really take place. in the meantime, take heart in how far people are willing to go on literally nothing but the solidarity of the person standing next to them, someone they’ve likely never met before and will never see again. and the tactics are improving week after week. Portland’s shield walls, Seattle’s umbrella deliveries, etc… and today people shot back at the cops in Louisville. we’re getting better at this bit by bit.