I’m even tugging to restore my foreskin but at least 90% of the movement is creepy weirdos like this
I agree, and they make it even worse when they compare penile circumcision to vaginal circumcision
Neonatal genital mutilation against women is worse than neonatal genital mutilation against men because [mumblemumblemumble] I am woke.
Theres nothing wrong with being upset that your genitals were mutilated at birth without your consent
Probably something wrong with dryjacking while making eye contact with your parents though
ive got nerve damage from mine and it will probably effect my srs :(
I dunno. But mutilating your baby is fucking weird to be honest fam.
Foreskin restoration? Pocket pump? Why would you open my eyes to this eldritch knowledge? I’ll never be able to forget that this exists