Firearms training and education and ownership are cool and good, and aid you in defending yourself and your community.
Remember the four rules:
Always treat every firearm as if it’s loaded (no exceptions, idc if you literally just dismantled it and reassembled it).
Never point a firearm at anything you aren’t willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger at all times until you are ready to fire.
Always be sure of your target and be aware of what’s behind it.
These are the rules you’ll find everywhere, and to them I’d like to add,
- Not everyone can handle the responsibility of owning a firearm, and that’s ok too. It is a tremendous weight with possibly terrible consequences if you aren’t safe (and possibly even if you are). You know yourself better than anyone, so ultimately you know best if ownership is right for you. But please consider what it means to own a gun, before you rush out and buy an SKS to larp.
I remember the four rules thusly:
- Assume every gun is loaded until you have personally verified it isn’t.
- Control your muzzle so that it points only at things you’re okay putting holes in
- Avoid touching the trigger until you’re completely ready to shoot
- Be aware of what is behind your target
Which is easy to remember because it forms the convenient abbreviation ACAB.
Suggested rule would probably not to post files for gun manufacturing (3d printing/CNC gcode), in my opinion fully legal, but websites get sued pretty quickly
Yes, this is a good addendum. Being specific about suicidal ideation is never a bad idea, although I did have that in mind when I mentioned that you know whether you should own a firearm if you really give it some thought. I personally chose to not own one for most of my life specifically because of this.
Here I should note that the SRA does not require you to own firearms for you to join the organization. We have several members locally who don’t have guns, but like the idea of being around armed leftists who are taking part in bettering their communities through mutual aid, etc.