Drop out, drop dead, I am fine with either.
Don’t forget to mention that 50% of the people from the same poll also think Trump should drop out.
I would be interested in seeing a more detailed break-down of this poll. From the numbers given, 33% are non-Democrats. This could mean that up to half of that “67% of Americans” saying Biden should drop out are actually people whose opinion in this poll doesn’t really matter. What I really want to see is how many Democrats think Biden should drop out, versus how many Republicans think Trump should drop out. (It would also be interesting to see the breakdown for both candidates from independents.)
If we’re stuck in a two-party system and people consistently vote for democrats despite not being democrats themselves simply because they think it’s the “lesser evil” of effectively two options, why should these people’s opinion about which democratic candidate is available not matter?
My point was that Republican voter’s opinions on the Democratic candidate (and vice-versa) shouldn’t matter because there’s almost no chance they would vote for that candidate anyway. Now if 67% of Democratic voters (the ones who would actually be voting for Biden) are saying he should drop out, then yeah that’s significant. Since the article combined all the poll results together it makes it impossible to tell how many people who vote Dem think Biden should drop out, or how many Rep voters think Trump should drop out.
And realistically, you know when this poll was being taken that every single Trump supporter was going to say that Biden should drop out, so that will quickly skew the results. Since those people were never going to cast a vote for Biden anyway, why bother including their opinions here – except that it makes for a more dramatic headline?
can we get a candidate that doesn’t do genocide
Hmm I’ll have to read up on her, I don’t recognize the name. But again, without RCV or some other method, none of these candidates stand an honest chance of being elected. We’re stuck with two-party for now, and all the shit it brings.
If we could get some kind of ranked-choice voting in place then a 3rd-party candidate would have a legitimate chance here. Unfortunately there’s too much FUD about RCV making your vote “not count”. I’m in Colorado and it looks like we have a real chance of implementing something in the next few years, so I’m crossing my fingers…
Bush and Reagan were able to successfully pressure Israel despite both supporting the occupation.
Biden is a lifelong Zionist ideologue.
Biden has been putting some pressure on them as well, although it’s still too little. Maybe if he wins we’ll see him make real policy changes, but yeah it’s not very likely.
Drop out? Nah.
I want him to drop dead.