- I have recently started using RSS feeds to get news and other information. It is quite time-saving.
- Recently found out that word could open pdfs for edits. Used to upload pdfs to websites to get it converted into some editable format. I think Libreoffice can do the same.
- Got that spinning type of mop and mopping has become a bit easier.
I use a computer frequently. So I take the time to learn hot keys and shortcuts. The two minutes it takes to learn them is quickly made up for in productivity.
On windows, there’s the three finger Maximise and Minimise along with the alt + tab equivalent swipe, which I think is not really popular among many. Laptop users could save some time with that.
Any rare/useful shortcuts that you like/would teach others?
Know what you want to buy before going into a store, stick to your guns. Unless you want to dilly dally, it saves time.
Organize your stuff, makes finding things much faster. Adam Savage had a good tip: Befor you put something away, pretend you’re looking for it and put it where your first thought was. Next time you look for it, it’s in a natural spot for you.
When you do a task with multiple steps several times, do each step for everything at once, before moving to the next step. As opposed to doing all steps for each item and repeating.
Example: slicing apples requires splitting, coring, and slicing. It is faster to split all apples, core all apples, and finally slice all apples than it is to split, core, and slice each apple before moving to the next. You basically want to manufacture your slices in an assembly line.
I use a similar process for laundry. Throw likes into piles. Turn each pile right side out. Stack. Fold. I’ve heard people complain about laundry. I’ve seen the same people pull shirts out of the dryer one at a time and fold them.
Do some dishes while waiting for the microwave or toaster in the morning
Hey there, here are some things I do:
I started using Obsidian notes a while back and have two weekly notes for a weekly plan/schedule, and a menu & grocery list. Each week I spend a little time (maybe an hour total) on Sundays making a dinner menu and getting the groceries listed, and then planning my week. Every morning I look at and edit the weekly schedule note, and it really has helped me be more aware of my daily priorities, which seems to make things more efficient.
I’m also always trying to find ways to become more efficient, and I think there is really something to be said for taking the time at the beginning of whatever the goal or project is (i.e. grocery shopping, planning the week, working on a project, cooking, etc.). When I cook, I’ve begun getting all the necessary ingredients and cookware out ahead and setting them in order, then it all goes so much more smoothly. When I get my groceries, I take a minute in the car and sort the items by their location along the path I take through the store. (This is far easier on a notes app than with pen & paper! and I’ve also become a skilled WinCo shopper over the course of time).
I usually have some small boxes (diaper boxes are best), around the house and I’ll save one for a trash box in the car. I put it behind the center console of the car with a plastic bag in it so I always have a place for putting the trash. Creating a place for things makes all the difference in the world.
The last thing that I’m trying to do more is practicing a quick 1-4 minute tidy in whatever room I’m in depending on the task. I’ll throw something away, notice something is on the floor and put it away, do a quick sweep or vacuum, etc. But that’s it. It’s quick but useful. It seems to be going fairly well so far. Little cluster piles begin showing up and it’s helped to become aware of what I do with stuff once I’m done, which is usually totally unconscious. Anyway, short bursts of tidying make the place much easier to keep clean, rather than what has typically happened, which is clutter building up and a whole few hours are needed to just get the place tidy, and then I can start doing the actual deeper cleaning.
I think the goal for me is instead of only trying to find tips & tricks, is to over time focus on becoming someone who is more efficient as a characteristic.
Hope this helps!
Interesting idea using 2 weekly notes. I personally use daily notes, but it is too limiting for things such a groceries or planning.(daily is better for introspection worse for planning).
If your comfortable sharing could I see the general format for your weekly notes?