Just out of curiosity. I have no moral stance on it, if a tool works for you I’m definitely not judging anyone for using it. Do whatever you can to get your work done!
Not using chatgpt at all because it’s queue is always full.
I’m interested in finding ways to use it but when if I’m writing code I really like the spectrum of different answers on stack overflow with comment’s on WHY they did it that way. Might use it for boring emails though.
I think my best use case is creating regex just dump a bunch of examples, test if it’s wrong and tell them what is wrong
Why should anyone care? I don’t go around telling people every time I use stack overflow. Gotta keep in mind gpt makes shit up half the time so I of course test and cross reference everything but it’s great for narrowing your search space.
The problem with using it is that you might be sending company proprietary or sensitive information to a third party that’s going to mine that information and potentially expose that information, either directly or by being hacked. For example, this whole thing with Samsung data: https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/02/samsung-bans-use-of-generative-ai-tools-like-chatgpt-after-april-internal-data-leak/
We’ve been instructed to use ChatGPT generically. Meaning, you ask it generic questions that have generic usage, like setting up a route in Express. Even if there is something more specific to my company, it almost always can be transformed into something more generic, like “I have a SQL DB with users in it, some users may have the ‘age’ field, I want to find users that have their age above 30” where age is actually something completely different (but still a number).
Just need to work carefully on ChatGPT.
I use it to speed up writing scripts on occasion, while attempting to abstract out any possibly confidential data.
I’m still fairly sure it’s not allowed, however. But considering it would be easy to trace API calls and I haven’t been approached yet, I’m assuming no one really cares.
i have used to to do simple shell scripts - like, “read a text file, parse out a semver, increment the minor version, set the last value to zero, write back out to the text file”. simple stuff that can be easily stated it’s pretty good at. mind you it was a bit wrong and i had to fix it, but it saved me googling commands and writing the script myself. I wouldn’t have bothered normally but i do that once every two weeks so it’s nice to just have a command to do it.
not chatGPT - but I tried using copilot for a month or two to speed up my work (backend engineer). Wound up unsubscribing and removing the plugin after not too long, because I found it had the opposite effect.
Basically instead of speeding my coding up, it slowed it down, because instead of my thought process being
- Think about the requirements
- Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I’m working on
- Write the code
It would be
- Think about the requirements
- Work out how best to achieve those requirements within the code I’m working on
- Start writing the code and wait for the auto complete
- Read the auto complete and decide if it does exactly what I want
- Do one of the following depending on 4 5a. Use the autocomplete as-is 5b. Use the autocomplete then modify to fix a few issues or account for a requirement it missed 5c. Ignore the autocomplete and write the code yourself
idk about you, but the first set of steps just seems like a whole lot less hassle then the second set of steps, especially since for anything that involved any business logic or internal libraries, I found myself using 5c far more often than the other two. And as a bonus, I actually fully understand all the code committed under my username, on account of actually having wrote it.
I will say though in the interest of fairness, there were a few instances where I was blown away with copilot’s ability to figure out what I was trying to do and give a solution for it. Most of these times were when I was writing semi-complex DB queries (via Django’s ORM), so if you’re just writing a dead simple CRUD API without much complex business logic, you may find value in it, but for the most part, I found that it just increased cognitive overhead and time spent on my tickets
EDIT: I did use chatGPT for my peer reviews this year though and thought it worked really well for that sort of thing. I just put in what I liked about my coworkers and where I thought they could improve in simple english and it spat out very professional peer reviews in the format expected by the review form