At least religious people have an excuse because their belief comes from a place of suffering, no one who thinks these sci-fi fantasy concepts are real is suffering, these beliefs come from a place of extreme comfort, nobody who believes in aliens is from the global south, how many times do liars need to stand in front of governments and say “aliens are real” for there to be some kind of explicit denouncement from atheists for these absolutely non-atheistic beliefs that get a pass because they are sci-fi. PURGE THE NERDS!
Aliens are almost definitely real. There are so many planets out there that there’s no way life only happened once.
But aliens almost definitely haven’t been to Earth. Space is incredibly big and it’s basically physically impossible to traverse between stars in a reasonable timeframe. We have no actual proof of their existence, just probability pointing towards yes.
Hey I get it, but it’s plain unscientific to say “almost definitely” and “there’s no way” in the same breath.
Aliens existing is different than Aliens having visited Earth. There are sooooo many planets, is it unthinkable to imagine life developing on more than one planet?
Yeah but that’s not how probability works. I’m sure whatever model of the universe you’re using approaches certainty for aliens. It is indeed a big, big universe out there. But that doesn’t make it so. However unlikely it is entirely possible earth is the only life harboring planet in the entire universe. We have one observable example of life in the whole cosmos.
Joe Biden has found no evidence of election fraud in our solar system, there are conditions in America that are less harsh than places where Biden exists on Twitter that definitely could support the khive if they got there. We have found no signals or Biden spheres or anything to suggest that there is life within the visible the White House. All the theories like the Biden paradox, great cornpop, dark brandon hypothesis. Where is the evidence to suggest any of them are correct? From the liberal perspective biden is the only life out there, and third party is barbaric.
We have found no signals or dyson spheres or anything to suggest that there is life within the visible universe.
How good do you think our detectors are? Lol.
Joe Biden might eventually put enough satellites around the sun that it would be noticeable from Delaware
We understand how life came to be on Earth, and that the mechanics of such are mundane enough to reasonably occur elsewhere in the universe, and that’s only with the form of life we’re familiar with and ruling out any other possible forms of life that might use entirely different chemical processes than we do.
In a functionally infinite universe, the odds that those same circumstances repeat somewhere is guaranteed. Whether that life is intelligent or not is anyone’s guess, but it exists.
hell, the cosmos might very well be infinite in size. if that is the case (big if), then somewhere very far away the initial conditions and chaotic dynamics of gravity repeated and a planet practically identical to earth has formed and beings indistinguishable from humans evolved. because it’s infinite, this’d be repeated infinite times, but they’d be all unfathomably far apart from each other, on average.
They’d all be well beyond the range of the observable universe, impossible to reach due to expansion of space, and not “real” in any practical sense.
In this way, there very well may be “parallel” universes. There’s also the quantum “many worlds” version of parallel universes but I think that one’s been touched on enough by pop culture, I don’t feel like explaining it.
nobody who believes in aliens is from the global south
Half of the Chinese population believes in UFOs, including China’s former foreign minister, Sun Shili. Some of the most infamous sightings in history occurred in Brazil and Zimbabwe. The former president of Kalmykia (part of the Russian Federation), Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, believes in aliens and claims to have been abducted.
For sure. I’d have to look up the specific cases though. The Dyatlov Pass incident is the only one I can remember off the top of my head.
Edit: Also the Salyut-7 cosmonauts’ “angels”.
That chart uses data from an English-speaking US-based org. Chinese people are not going to call them to report a sighting; they would report it to one of the several Chinese orgs.
“[I]t’s worth mentioning that the NUFORC is an American agency (“N” stands for “National”). They make an effort to record international sightings (phone banks staffed 24/7), but I’d guess that sightings in the USA are still over-represented. Honestly, I’d bet that the NUFORC being based in Seattle is the main reason we see so many more sightings in the States.
There are 1 billion planets for every grain of sand on earth.
Believing Earth is singularly unique in having life is closer to a religious belief than the negative.
Believing Earth is singularly unique in having life is closer to a religious belief than the negative.
It irks me that those who insist on it as a dogmatic tenant of atheism speak with the zeal of a latter 16th century Roman Inquisitor.
I would not be surprised in any way if life similar to earth existed, exists, or will exist along the exceedingly large time frames and scale of ‘every planet’. Aliens as theorized by any earth based life form I have any familiarity with is rooted in the same exact baseless bullshit that religion is.
A good reason to doubt any supposed higher power is how anthropomorphized the being is, especially if they strongly mirror the concerns and the attitudes of believers. It always makes me suspicious when I see something that is so obviously rooted in a specific historical context that is taken by some as representing a universal truth. You could make a similar argument with UFOs being rooted in the context of the Cold War, especially given the experiences of contactless who said these higher powers were primarily concerned with the threat of nuclear war and environmental (read non climate concerned) degradation.
I hate you too I guess
Is this bait?