At what step do you struggle the most?
Predatory lesbian brainworms, I have forced myself to set the benchmark of “if someone repeatedly compliments your appearance they will probably be flattered even if they don’t reciprocate” and that has helped.
I currently hate my body and don’t feel comfortable dating until I like it again, as dating involves finding others who like your body (and other things about you, but still)
I’m sure there are people who would want to date me in my current body as well as my future (hopefully improved) body, but I just can’t summon any confidence while I feel like this.
Obviously there’s some mental health problems I need to work on too. I’m fortunate to have decent psychiatric care at this stage in my life and am slowly progressing in that area, and trying my damnedest to ramp up body improvement efforts.
I went to the gym today, at least. :)
Whether it’s January 2 or February 1.
ISO 8601 supremacy.
I work from home and live on a sailboat, sailing up and down the west coast (south in Winter, north in Summer). Not exactly a lot of opportunities to develop or maintain social connections other than on Discord/Steam. How would I even meet anyone during the week or so I stay in a given town before shipping out? And who wants to date a guy who’s only in town for a week or two per year?
The only way I could maintain a relationship would be an LTR where she lived onboard with me, but I don’t see how I could every date someone to establish that LTR in the first place. Kind of a chicken and egg situation.
I may be one of the few guys in the 6, 6, 6 club who’s been single for years with no hope of finding a woman. And I just don’t think the changes I’d have to make to my lifestyle to make that easier would be worth it. So… I guess I’ll just die alone?
Actually finding people i guess? I meet tons of people with my shared interests but none I want to date. I am demi so maybe that’s part of it