Feels like all of it. The calls to resign seem like blatant propaganda when we had covid lock down protests in the UK and Germany and they ended up being marches of Neonazis and transphobes and other fringe right wing nut jobs. When Chinese people do it (also the scale is completely unknown) they are justified against an authoritarian regime. The hypocrisy…
When the BBC report on the social media discourse as well, it feels like they are reporting on CIA backed misinformation campaigns. How much of the online discourse stirring up Xi sentiment is actually misinfo being reported to the west as a broad public sentiment. I reckon its a lot.
If you read this shit with a critical eye towards British and western economic and military interests it feels plain to see. But for the average idiot lib they read this and think, ‘wow omg China is so authoritarian, the poor people there have no freedom and they cry out for support’. But what do you expect…
Sometimes (when I’m in a masochistic mood), I head on over to youtube and check out what Haz is saying. Last night, along with much nonsense, he had on a Chinese guest from Shanghai who said that the protests are all very small – the biggest ones maybe a thousand people (out of a city with a larger population than all of north Korea), most more like a dozen. I’m guessing that’s probably representative of the real nothing-burger these protests are.
Europe being extremely deep in its own issues, this provides for an excellent chance to deflect the attention to “OMGEE SISIPEE ON brink of collapse!!1” with their own manufactured colour revolution.