Fucking no strike clause, what the FUCK
Liberals are fucking moronic scum, we have no freedom, we have no rights, we are granted no provisions for our betterment or even protection or basic decision making
I will destroy this evil land, I will spill the blood of oppressors and free my fellow workers from their chains
It’s usually traded for no-lockout, closed shop and dues checkoff. If they don’t get those,then it’s an open shop where reps are spending all their time collecting dues and the employer can lay everyone off without just cause.
Sometime they negotiate contracts without it for the sake of a first contract, but it’s rare, and tends to reduce membership rates.
There’s a cool middle ground UE does sometimes where they get language about striking over grievances or safety issues.
IBT has another cool workaround where they can respect other unions’ picket lines.
Well they’re fucking us over right now and we can’t do anything about it because of this clause, we have no recourse but to wait and the contract can technically go years without being renegotiated or reaffirmed
seems like the lack of a firm contract expiration is the bigger issue really. Either way its fucking bullshit
The one two punch of “rule 1 which is good and fair” and “rule 2 which combined with rule 1 destroys the fairness”
Then they can point to rule one and say look how fair we are! While obfuscating rule 2
“Homeless people don’t want to work!”
to get a job you need to have recent employment history, a car, a house, and stable life
“Fucking lazy homeless”
I hate this world we’ve been made to live in
The union at my workplace has a policy where they won’t do any type of collective bargaining
It’s a bit of a long story but the existence of the union is 100% an op and controlled opposition made by the company itself at the advice of Bain consultants
This is more common than people realise. It’s called a “yellow union”. If you read about the AFL, and the later merge with the CIO, they’re pretty far down this path.
That’s extremely fucking common
Very common in the US. You can still strike, but it’s restricted to after your contract expires. This makes the contract periods restricted to legalistic enforcement of said contract, recruiting, and training.
Some unions can avoid the no-strike provision, but they have top be strong: high engagement, large membership, good leverage, militant leadership. American unions are usually weak and driven by a collaborationist, bureaucratic leadership. It takes a lot of work to run a proper union and the larger unions have figured out that you get a higher return on investment by raking in dues and then going through the motions with little staff or effort. Many will not even accept shops that are 100% ready to unionize, all the organizing done, because they think it won’t bring in more dues than justifies staff time (really, they are working in a large overhead for the higher-ups).
On the positive side, you can always create a reform movement within your union. Get like-minded folks together, memorize your union bylaws, and begin strategizing about how you’re going to (1) take over union leadership and/or (2) use your own power and narrative-creating abilities to force leadership to do what you want. Make your own demands leading up to the next contract fight! Print your own flyers and signs. Talk to friendly media about what you want.
The good union, the IWW, had it’s members killed, arrested, and deported. The AFL-CIO was probably the compromise that capitalism was willing to allow.
That’s not really correct. The AFL-CIO had significant infighting and the side that won was allowed to exist because they then purged the communists shortly after WW2, and then got Taft-Hartley for their troubles. It was still a good tool and made up of thousands and thousands of communists in the CIO, and beyond them it was still dangerous enough for the government to weaken it substantially.
Also the police literally killed CIO members, look up the Memorial Day Massacre. Let’s not call those 10 martyrs “compromise that capitalism was willing to allow” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1H62KeDWZI