It would be funny if he really just means he won’t be able to run more than 2 terms so you don’t have to vote for him anymore
That’s how it has always sounded to me. The libs are so convinced he’ll declare himself dictator of America that they haven’t even stopped to think if he even wants that. It seems like being president was kind of a shit show for him, and he probably doesn’t really want to do again unless he has to, so I doubt he’d declare himself president for life. He probably wants to bugger off and spend all of his time golfing or something.
It’s just a pallette swap of “we’re gonna win so much you’ll be tired of winning” and statements of that ilk. “We’re going do so good you don’t need to worry anymore”.
I think there is a serious boy who cried wolf concern for the Dems. If they keep twisting his more innocuous comments (like the “bloodbath” one that was clearly about the auto industry) everyone outside BlooMAGA is gonna stop listening when he says actual dangerous stuff
boy who cried wolf concern
That really concerns me. GOP judges and justices (particularly on the supreme court) are paving the way for horrors but libs are always carping about their go-to boogieman - Orange Man Bad. And every fucking election is now the most important election of our lifetime.
Basically claiming he’ll fix anything. Standard lib lies.
People who support capitalism are liberals. Republicans and Democrats are both libs and it says a lot about American politics that people consider them different at all.
The future Turnip would bring about is nothing like the future self-proclaimed liberals want.
Seeing libs gasp at this like it means he plans on dismantling elections has made me want to jump into an active volcano.
My libs are losing their minds over this