How can I use Whatsapp video call on Linux?
I tried Whatsapp-for-Linux and Whatsie but they didn’t work.
You cant
There is no official whatsapp app for Linux and all of the apps on the store rely on whatsapp web
And how many peoples’ friends and family are on Signal vs WhatsApp? The whole point of these apps is socializing with people you know, so can you not see how useless of a suggestion it is to recommend Signal? And please don’t get into the "just convince everyone to use Signal’ argument because it’s completely unrealistic.
Signal did itself no favors when it made the bone-headed move of removing SMS support in a delusional attempt at pushing users away from SMS and towards Signal’s encrypted chat. All it did was result in a bunch of people uninstalling the app because it became annoying to use it just for Signal instead of Signal and SMS, which at least gave rise to a SMS user’s eventual shift away from SMS. But we don’t talk about that because open source is always good 😇
It’s like saying modern clubs suck, so I’m going to invest my own club that the vast majority of people won’t attend and those that do are almost all white dudes with the same generic "I’m not like other users" personality.
Are we going to pretend that getting the average person to download and actually use Signal isn’t a very real problem?
Also thanks for the laugh. White dudes are so sensitive.
I’m guessing all the people suggesting to ditch WhatsApp have never been to Brazil. Everything there is done with it, you can buy groceries, medicine, do banking, get services, take out, etc… Getting the whole country to change will never happen. So, yes, while some of us do install Signal, none will ever uninstall WhatsApp…
The UK isn’t quite that far, but it’s absolutely the dominant text messaging and calling app in the UK. Nobody uses the built in Android or Apple tools anymore, and I’m as likely to receive a WhatsApp voice call as an actual phone call these days.
I have Signal on my phone, but I’ve literally never had a cause to use it; I’ve simply got no contacts on there.
Video calls are not supported under Linux afaik, since they don’t enable it for the web version.
Using an Android emulator like Waydroid or compatibility layer like Anbox you might be able to use the Android version on Linux and pick up calls from there?
I have good experiences with Waydroid, but no experience with WhatsApp so I can’t guarantee it will work, it’s just a suggestion that I hope will help
I’ve had really good experience with Genymotion android emulation on Linux, even on underpowered devices. Might work well to do video calls