Went on there and found an article called “Fascism and The New Deal”, and I actually think that title is pretty fucking based. Of course the website explains that FDR was a fascist because of Big Gommunist Government and him being a
I just think it’s funny whenever communist and conservative language seems to align because of how completely delusional conservatives are. Makes me understand the liberal delusion of Horseshoe Theory just a little bit. I wonder if there’s any other examples of language lining up like this.
I’m going to give ammo to liberals and say FDR was indeed a fascist, but not because he was a communist!
Calling FDR a fascist makes little sense from both a theory standpoint and a “how can we build socialism in the imperial core” standpoint. It matters to be careful with the term because calling everyone a fascist just gets people to tune you out.
He’s better held up as an example of (1) the flaws of liberalism, even when you have a liberal pushing an aggressive agenda with a ton of political power over ~15 years, and (2) the double standards applied designated western enemies; e.g., Japanese internment would be portrayed as some moral event horizon and compared to Nazi extermination camps had a Bad Country did it.
we lose the opportunity to see the new deal as a liberal policy that can be pointed to when libs defend “capitalism, but without fascism!”
Not all capitalism is fascism, though, and there are plenty of problems with capitalism even when it doesn’t devolve into fascism. I think that’s an even stronger point: even when capitalism is “done right,” look at all the issues with it.
Their Bible translation is fucking insane.