President Maduro of Venezuela denounces
WhatsApp as a spying system
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has accused
WhatsApp of operating as a spying tool and urged citizens to switch to alternative messaging apps such as Telegram and WeChat.
Speaking at a meeting in Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, the president asserted, “WhatsApp provided its list of Venezuelan users to Colombian drug traffickers, who then conducted months of espionage.”
“WhatsApp as a spying system” sorry nicolás, but you should update your internet explorer
Not today, fuckerberg.
He had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
But recommending Telegram? Lol. Lmao even. And Wechat? Arent’t you supposed to be within the China Firewall to use that?
What’s wrong with telegram? And no you can use wechat from anywhere, at least the chatting part.
imma guess and say the devs are russian dissidents and encrypted chat is not enabled by default. wechat is good but china may b spying on you but i don’t care