It’s really unfortunate that it has come to this. I’ve been handing out tents, sleeping bags, clothing, food, and donating money when I could for years. It feels like shoveling sand in front of a tsunami.
If anyone has a workable idea – that hasn’t already been tried – on how to solve the homeless problem that is fair to the unhoused, local homeowners, business owners, towns, and taxpayers… now is the time to step up.
I cannot express enough how completely disappointed I am with Newsom. While it was illegal to clear the camps, he was actually busting his ass to sweep away red tape that artificially restricts the supply of housing, and I was all for it. It’s too bad he basically decided that the real solution was to go right back to our forty year history of playing whack a mole with camps. Surely if we just clear the camp one more time, install just one more set of homeless spikes, we’ll fix the problem.
It’s not just California, but it’s crazy how much ammo the libs give fash (or even just fash energies within the completely apolitical) by steadfastly refusing to supply housing to homeless people.
Like they could enjoy a 1000-year reich if they would just build some dignified housing, but they’re constitutionally unable to do the one simple (and not even that expensive) task that will actually address homelessness.
Give every homeless person an AR-15.
Is he green-screened in there