She looks like she’s reaching for Joe to stop him as he’s about to say the gamer word
Why would it be weird? USA commonly has the loser, the person not wanted as President, as President for nearly 3 months.
Yeah, actually, the rest of the world looks at your gestures broadly and think it’s very weird.
Your weird ass constitution written by slave owners. Your weird ass worship of said constitution. Your weird ass electoral college. Your weird ass terms, term limits, arcane positions of power (what the fuck is a parliamentarian?). Your weird ass 3 year long election ramp up. Your weird ass first past the post system. Your weird ass permanent supreme court. Your weird ass corporations as people. Your weird ass 2 party system. Your weird ass election on a Tuesday. Your weird ass gerrymandering. Your weird ass 3 month transition period. Your weird ass hesitation to change any of these things even if a “progressive” holds power.
The Dem party has already said Biden is unfit to be the candidate. Their leader is not good enough to campaign, but they still keep him in the office over 3 months before the election while running the VP as the candidate. Why not replace him with the VP, that’s how this is supposed to work. Why keep Biden as president for months?
Just because the US has one of the oldest and buggiest constitutions, doesn’t help this make any sense.
Huh, that could be a campaign strat, couldn’t it be? Biden resigns willingly, Kamala becomes president, and then for the next 3 months she goes on TV with the title of President, and she gets to to spend 3 months implementing whatever laws she can to boost her popularity. It’s easier to run for re-election than for the first time, so I don’t imagine it could hurt her chances too much, could it?
If I was a liberal, I would also add:
hurrr durrr if she’s president she can legally assassinate trump!!1!
Biden’s policies, all of which Kamala would continue unchanged, are extremely unpopular. She would continue gifting bombs to Israel to commit genocide with, do nothing about housing, medical care, reproductive or trans rights, policing…
Giving people time to realize she’s just going to be more of the same would probably hurt more than help. Especially in regards to Palestine. Liberals are still leaving in dream reality where she really does super care a lot, really, she just thinks you need to beg in exactly the correct way to not slaughter children.
My thought is that it’s more the opposite why they haven’t put Kamala in the Oval Office yet. Dems/Kamala want to run away from Biden while maintaining all his policies. They just need a new candidate that isn’t tainted by Biden and the current policies while not addressing those policies exist at all. So if Kamala had the power, then she would have to answer for wielding it. The current arrangement allows her to be a perfect figuredhead for ‘something else’ aka ‘not Biden or Trump’. Any criticisms of current policies can easily be blamed on Biden. She gets to run against both of them in a weird way.
It’s so he can continue to take the heat off Copmala for the genocide they’re commiting
Weird: Your kids are thinking about cutting contact or have already done it.