Nice article reviewing hash tables and how python dictionaries are implemented with them.
Good refresher on the topic and ineteresting gory details of CPython impl.
On another note, is Jython still a thing?
is Jython still a thing?
No. (Source: I had to try to keep its zombie corpse shuffling along at my last job.)
Oh, I see. It kind of makes sense. Who’d need Jython when GraalVM’s out there nowadays!? Well, unless it’s a legacy app 😬
Trust me, you don’t want to be trying to maintain legacy Jython code at this point, let alone use it for anything new. All the “normal” Python infrastructure like Pip etc. has moved on and broken compatibility, so you’d have to find and maintain locally the last working compatible version of every single package you use. I suppose you could use Java libraries, but the impedance mismatch trying to use LBYL explicitly typed stuff in EAFP python is terrible. It’s just a horrible mess.
I genuinely wonder why the downvotes?