If Harris loses to Trump bc of that one thing
that ‘one thing’ being a genocide
If voters aren’t willing to withhold their vote over genocide, why would the Dems ever stop doing genocide?
I think it’s less “read better” and you needing to think better.
Assuming liberals win this election with a candidate who has made her stance on this murky at best (and disgusting at worst), what incentives do liberal politicians have to not support genocide in the future?
ed. lmao banned quick, I had mentally psyched myself up for an argument here, what am I gonna do with all this nervous energy now
You may say, “Donald Trump would be worse.” So? What does that statement mean to the grandmother mourning her dead grandson? Should the mother whose child was crushed by concrete when their house was bombed by US-supplied weapons take comfort in that theoretical comparison? If I shoot you in the face and then say, “The other guy would have shot you twice,” is that a sufficient answer?
It’s almost like electoral politics in a capitalist society are, by deliberate design, going to have structural issues which cannot be solved through voting.
Also, who says “I don’t like this candidate’s stance on genocide” then picks the candidate with a nearly identical stance?
The convention nominated him while, outside, tear gas filled the air during what a report from a special federal commission later called a police riot that meted out violence to antiwar demonstrators as well as some journalists. Inside the turbulent convention, dissenting delegates were outshouted, outvoted and suppressed by the pro-Humphrey forces.
The chaos and bitterness in Chicago underscored how the vice president’s deference to the war president had weakened the party while undermining the chances for victory. In polls, Humphrey trailed the Republican candidate Richard Nixon by double digits.
Such branding will be a sharp contrast to the outcries from thousands of protesters in Chicago outside the Democratic National Convention next week, as they denounce U.S. complicity with the methodical killing of so many children, women and other civilians in Gaza.
it used to feel like we were intentionally repeating history; and we are; but it’s because we don’t pay attention to it in the first place when it disagrees with the world view that we’ve been taught to hold.
s can’t stop admitting they’re fine with genocide