Meh. Placebos affect people so, I let them have it.
Edit: obviously not to the detriment of real remedies. Calmate
My mom died of cancer a few months ago because she was convinced that a combination of sunlight’s natural vibrational frequency and some expensive “medical” herbal teas would cure her. Placebos affect people, but if you let them believe that they’re an alternative to actual science and medicine, then they’ll use them as such.
Selling people fake remedies is always going to be to the detriment of real remedies unless they are targeted exclusively at conditions for which there are no real remedies.
Furthermore, the real issue isn’t about “letting people have their crystals”, it’s about letting people sell fake remedies, something that should be banned unconditionally. Profiting off of pretending to help people while not helping them is socially malignant.
OP is phrased in terms of attacking consumers because the poster is an idiot, as made evident by their absurd and pandering rhetorical tact.
Short comment:
Does the LHC explain emotions?
Long comment:
Perhaps there are other “forces” in the universe than physical forces. For example what is faith but a non-physical force? And yet it drives people to feel certain ways and do certain things. Same goes for love.
Just like the placebo effect there are many things that affect a person internally even though externally they don’t appear to be doing anything.
If something so simple as wearing a bracelet brings balance to someone’s troubled mind then I don’t see the issue nor do I see the reason to argue about it on the internet.
Now, all that being said, these products are just a grift. We lost the plot when we went from
“pretty rock that eases my mind because I get dopamine from looking at it”
“this rock has magical powers and you should buy it because of that”.
Conclusion: people are allowed to feel spiritual and psychological connections with things and it is wrong to take advantage of those feelings for profit.
Speak for yourself. My JO crystal is so supercharged I can levitate up to 6 cm from the ground and yell louder than a police siren.
I have won several fights by blinding my opponent with the flash of the JO crystal as I crank my hog with one hand and swing my crystal with the other.
My seed has become so powerful, I’m banned from donating semen in 17 countries, including Papua New Guinea and the Pharoe Island.
I have channeled the unholy energies from my magnetic wristbands and wooden bracelets to erect a dark labyrinth to contain me so I won’t accidentally break reality apart when I crank my hawg too hard.
Do not underestimate the power of crystals.