Fuck the earth! What about the people who live on it!?
Does it bother anyone else that when we talk about the harm of global warming we talk about damage to “The Earth”?
Never the billions of poor people in the global south who’ll probably die as a result of this, but always as some abstract personification of Gaia or some shit.
Is this some sort of trick to try to get white libs to give a shit? We already know they care more about their dogs than they care about poor brown people, so maybe they’ll care about an abstract notion of the planet more as well?
The Earth as we know it is in danger, yes. But at the risk of sounding like a Chud, the Earth’s biosphere has been through worse shocks and is still teeming with life.
That’s not a justification to do nothing, because Earth as we know it has some pretty rad animals and places.