I’m using the function below (found on somewhere else)
(defun my-magit-fetch-all-repositories ()
"Run `magit-fetch-all' in all repositories returned by `magit-list-repos`."
(dolist (repo (magit-list-repos))
(message "Fetching in %s..." repo)
(let ((default-directory repo))
(magit-fetch-all (magit-fetch-arguments)))
(message "Fetching in %s...done" repo)))
This was working fine and successfully fetching from all of my repos. But recently it randomly generates an error on a random repo with the message of:
magit fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
If I try to magit-fetch-all
manually then it works and does not throw the error since I have correct rights and ssh key. If I re-run my-magit-fetch-all-repositories
, it randomly generates same error on different repo or repos.
Have any idea on this?
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