Jason Stahl was kind enough to share a couple of templates that he made for the Affinity suite of products, useful to those of us toiling away on TTRPG projects. I’ve linked to the forum post that contains his links. I will be adding my own hex-map template (once I essentially remake it since the current one is a MESS). If you have any resources to share, drop them here, drop them there, but drop them somewhere so we can spread the knowledge and help each other out!
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OSR/NSR Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Whither Reddit? In the meantime, here’s a place to chat up old school revival (OSR) and new school revolution (NSR) style TTRPGs.
My name is Todd aka Hexed Press and I am the current caretaker (have I always been the caretaker?). Here are some other places to find me, if you are so inclined:
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