Howdy maties, what seedbox providers do you use and what should be avoided when looking for one?
I want to get rid of my vps and get a dedicated seedbox, they seem to come nowadays with one click installs and the sorts, a vpn would be nice to have if needed, what do you look for when choosing a provider?
Depends a lot what you’re looking for in a seedbox. If you want to race then a lot of the options given are great. Personally I want storage capacity above most things and grabbed a dedicated server from Hetzner auctions. Today you’d be looking at 40TB gross storage for €60 a month. Been a long time since I’ve looked at setup options, swizzin was hot stuff then to give more of a “seedbox experience”
What’s the appeal of seedbox over using VPN? You can get a lot more storage with the money you spend on seedbox, right? gives you a full unix user in your own little jail if that’s your thing. They are for seedboxes, but you can do anything you want with your 1 vcore and unmetered 10gbps. No bs/advertising with competitive price & performance.
I had for a while. They were great, but a bit expensive. If I could do it over, I’d probably get Currently, I’m looking at, but they’re not exactly a seedbox.