Guess after that Viral ‘Incident’ he become Irrelevant and Forgotten By Everyone Today Lol, Good FUCKING Riddance.
EDIT : i am Terribly Sorry for posting that Pedo Pfp, I Didn’t Meant to ruin Your eyes. I replace that with a Soyjak instead. Forgive me
“Everyone forgot him, except no one can forget him cause we are going to keep smug posting about him till the end of time.”
Just let him die to obscurity and stop talking about him altogether. Assholes like him feed off drama and attention. Good attention, bad attention, doesn’t matter. Just let him be forgotten.
Unfortunately, I recently saw that yarrow in my recommendations.
Comrade, may I recommend Video Blocker if you are using Firefox. Just install it, right click any video and select “Block videos from this channel” and you will never have this particular problem again.