im still struggling greatly with my paranoia.
i dont see dr until tuesday
go get em tiger
knock em dead champ
It’ll be fine. Things have a tendency of working themselves out.
And if someone hates you for it, that’s on them and not you.
Also, let us know how it went!
Do you do breathing stuff?
Lately I’ve been digging bee breath, or bhramari pranayama. Basically, just hum/buzz on slow exhales. Sometimes other breathing techniques, like box breathing, leave my mind too open to wild thoughts and distractions getting in. Bee breath is just enough extra for me to focus on so I can keep the other thoughts at bay. Playing around with different pitches and buzziness is kinda fun too.
Facing the day can look like whatever you need it to to get to Tuesday. Getting up, taking care of your body by feeding it, drinking water, and practicing good hygiene can be enough. Caring for your mental health with compassion and understanding is also very important.
Doing what you need to do to keep yourself safe and comfortable is the top priority right now. Having a medical condition is not your fault, and it’s nothing you should feel any shame about. You’re not feeling well, and that means you need to give yourself the space and grace to heal and feel better. However you need to achieve this, as long as you aren’t harming yourself or others, is perfectly valid.
Please try to be kind to yourself and focus on healthy coping mechanisms. You have an appointment coming soon, and help is just a few days away. If you need emergency care in the meantime, that’s okay, too. You’ve got this. It takes strength to get this far, and you can do this, too. Please take care.
You can do it! I believe in you!!