found the chinese bot
Liberals just don’t believe Chinese people have agency
Love how it’s just one (presumably) Chinese person posting corrections and (presumably) a bunch of white western libs just saying “NUH UH” or literally just replying Uyghur Tiananman square!!11! as literal thought terminating cliches.
Edit: oh yeah and one Czech comrade too.
Did I actually read “what about”? Isn’t this WhAtAbOuTiSm!?!? Tanky orc confirmed!
God damn libs really only have like 6 aRgUmEnTs don’t they? It’s beyond conspiracy theory now. It’s straight up a flat earther mentality. They have their fingers in their ears yelling “TIENAMEN SQUARE TEINAMIN SQUARE I CANT HEAR YOU TIENAMEN SQUARE”.
How embarrassing.
They always use the same dog whistle’s, not even a attempt for a honest discussion.