I dunno about worst, but I fucking hate 300. It tries so hard to insert Snyder’s american fetishism in the setting that it quite literraly inverts reality to show the brave, patriot, manly, free, christian americans Spartans facing the evil, godless, deformed, queer, arabs.
Pesonally, I usually can ignore shitty politics when watching a good movie, and sometimes even good slop, but 300 even fails to be a good action movie because it had to add a shitty slow motion effect every time Zack Snyder jerks off to how smart he is
300 is so fucked up. Imagine presenting the Spartans as good guys after opening with a narrator telling us they murder any babies they see as imperfect.
If you think that’s bad, just read about how they treated their Helot slaves.
Mandatory ritualistic beating and shaming, and a yearly actual purge to keep them in line.
Spartans are about the most pathetic culture to have ever existed.
Spartans are about the most pathetic culture to have ever existed.
They were also a bunch of idle fancy lads whose requirement for citizenship/personhood was literally “rich enough to come chill at the country club with the lads all day without ever having to work even a single day” while also being extremely greedy so that they’d buy up the land of anyone whose wealth dipped a little leading to their “eligible for military service” class consistently shrinking all the time to the point that they did major land redistribution twice in order to restore the size of their citizen class (since they were the only ones allowed to be “real” soldiers, as opposed to all the non-citizen light soldiers and enslaved canon fodder they also used).
And before you think “oh, so given their supposed martial prowess they were using that free time to stay in shape and do drills or something?” the answer is no, they were literally just hanging out drinking and eating at their rich boy clubs all day and their actual military performance was not measurably distinct from other Greek city states (including their neighbors) for most of their history, even though they liked to wank about how they were best and coolest because “remember Leonidas?” and shit, with only a pretty brief window where they seem to have actually started to try to live up to their own propaganda and managed to be a regional power before then failing again and rapidly diminishing to the point that the city of Sparta itself became lost and forgotten with the descendants of the Spartans reduced to just being some small time fishermen in a tiny village well before the Roman era.
I fo real turned off the movie (i only gave it a shot cuz my friend wouldn’t shut up about it) right then. ‘Na, this movie will make me madder from here’ i thought.
You know what’s funny? The supposedly unbiased justifications you hear from chuds on American exceptionalism or colonialism was present with Persians: they’re the more advanced society, they were far better educated and also that whole ‘everyone invades everyone all the time tho!’. The depiction of the Persians in this movie should’ve been met with accusations of wokism for portraying them in such an extremely negative light.
Fantastic Beasts 3, Secrets of Dumbledore
If you liked Harry Potter before JKR decided to be fucking insane, and enjoy making fun of bad movies, you have to watch this monstrosity. It’s nonsense, the plot is insane, the writing is awful, the effects are bad, the filmmaking is bad, everything about it is awful.
And all of that for the core plot of “Our heroes have to get the magic deer to the Wizard election to ensure Grindelwald doesn’t prevent the Holocaust”
I want to be so clear that I am not exaggerating when I say they ensure the Holocaust isn’t prevented. In the second movie the bad guy shows visions of WW2 and the Holocaust and says “Follow me to prevent these horrors!”
The movie’s plot basically is the liberal dream: Hitler rigs an election but then is proved to have cheated so he gets a little mad but then drops out of the election anyway so the pure hearted liberal can be chosen by the voting machine
It’s such a baffling, ridiculous franchise after the first movie. I hate Rowling but I legitimately want them to continue, these were supposed to be a 5 movie series and I want to see how absurd it can get
And in this analogy Hitler is, again, the man who had visions of the Holocaust and nuclear bombs and is trying to prevent WW2
Here’s the rally at the end of the second movie where he shows those visions
Grindelwald is the Hitler analog who is trying to enslave humanity. But he’s the one trying to prevent the Holocaust. It’s insane.
Im going to guess that in the third one he goes too far in an uncharacteristic manner like what happens to a lot of these villains because even if he is ruthless there has to be some extra shit to convince the audience that the guy preventing the deadliest war in human history is the true villain. Even if he is using that for propaganda purposes and is megalomaniac… I mean shit… Its world war 2
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Sausage Party. I felt insulted after finishing the movie. I don’t care if Seth Rogen is otherwise a swell guy—if I ever meet him in real life, I want him to apologize for being involved in that movie.
I’ve watched some movies I consider monstrous, jet-black, and mean-spirited, but Sausage Party feels like it was made by a committee just to fuck with me personally.
Sausage Party is a 2016 movie with racism that feels like it’s from 2000, and an approach to adult themes that I find both infantile and disturbing.
I can forgive some horniness if it’s done right and fits the movie. I can’t forgive racism.
Sausage Party is racist, horny trash. 0/10.
Personally, it’s the worst movie I’ve ever watched in my life.
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
Probably not objectively the worst movie I’ve seen, but Enemy at the Gates has been taken so literally by so many historically illiterate people that I’ve grown a burning hatred for the movie for basically slandering the entire Red Army and a few real people who were characters in the story. Kay and Skittles has a really good video on just how bad it is even beyond the “every other person gets a rifle” and “barrier troops gunning down retreating soldiers” shit.
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Me and my friends watched Borderlands a few days ago to make fun of it and I think it’s one of the biggest actually bad movies I’ve seen, ever. So many choices made were just bad, and made for not even an entertainingly bad experience, it was just bad, poorly written and established, poorly framed and shot it was wild.