To commemorate Star Trek Day, I thought we could share our entry points to the franchise. I expect we’ll find the full range of experiences.
I have never really been into Star Trek but that’s mostly because I have never properly introduced myself to it.
My first contact was the 2009 film Star Trek, which upon looking at the rest of the franchise feels so grandiose in the action genre but also had a few great character moments. I enjoyed that one and then the Black Mirror parody episode U.S.S Callister was really good too
Besides that I have seen a few odd scenes and memes but really want to get into the series someday.
TOS in the early 90s.
Boy, was I disappointed, when I discovered how old it already was 😅.
TOS ‘The Devil in the Dark’ in first run.
I was barely in school, but my slightly older neighbour who’d hooked me on Time Tunnel and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, convinced me that Star Trek must be seen.
I quickly caught up during the hiatus reruns, and have seen absolutely all of it in first run since.
Used to watch and record episodes of TOS off TV55 onto VHS to rewatch later. Lots of fun kids will never experience today.
Started watching TOS in reruns in the late 70s and 80s.
I was a very lonely teenager in a blue collar, uneducated family when TNG premiered. I watched every episode of the first season alone in the dark on an old B&W tv as they were watching other stuff on the good TV.
TNG opened my eyes to a world of possibility, the diversity and wonder of life, leadership, and aspiring to something bigger than my small world.
There was plenty of criticism about the Wesley Crusher character in those early years, but as smart nerdy boy, I was grateful to see his character and how he was treated by the Geordi, Data and others. Gave me hope
Decades later, introducing my kids to TNG has been one of my greatest pleasures in life. They know and love the characters as I do.