celsius is the yelp of temperature ratings
You’re saying this one goes up to eleven ?
In Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, the number of thieves wasn’t really necessarily 40. The number was likely just chosen because 40 was an exaggerated number, much like when we’d say “I’ve told you a hundred million times”. So 40 as a shorthand for “a huge amount” seems fitting in celcius.
Fahrenheit is such a nice system. 0 is really, really cold and 100 is really really hot. So 50 must just be perfect, right?
Way more intuitive then Celsius.
Celsius isn’t all that different.
-30 is really really cold, 30 is really really hot.
0 is just about perfect.
More like 0 is really cold and 40 is really hot, so 20 must be perfect, which it is.
Eh I can barely breathe at 30. 40 is certain death. Except in a sauna, where 100 is no problem and we throw water on the rocks to make it feel hotter.
I know, it’s weird. I’ve got pictures of me lying around in a pile of snow in a t-shirt, trying to cool down. At -15.