I’m fine with poor kids getting a really shitty meal but why are we paying for rich kids to get decent meals? I think this program needs a bureaucracy that investigates and qualifies each child to make sure their circumstances are dire enough to qualify for a substandard shitty lunch. Also there should be drug testing to make sure the qualified families aren’t getting high.
Can’t wait to hear the SCOTUS rule this tax unconstitutional.
I fuckin hate when kids get fed
Children have the freedom to work for their meals. What kind of society are we creating when we take that freedom away?
If children weren’t supposed to exercise their freedom to work in the mines, why would Jesus Christ make their frames small enough to fit into these tiny mine shafts? Checkmate you godless communists
But what will motivate the children to work hard and better themselves if they can just eat lunch for free? Checkmate commies.
“nooo you can’t do that that will make all the millionaires leave the state nooooo” - some chud probably idk