Wait, wasps are pollinators too?
If the female wasp crawls into the caprifig, she can successfully lay her eggs and die. The males hatch first, mate with the females, dig tunnels out of the caprifig, and die. The females, now covered in fig pollen from the caprifig, fly out to begin the cycle again. If the female wasp crawls into a female fig, she will not be able to successfully lay her eggs despite pollinating the fig with pollen from the caprifig she hatched in. The fig will absorb her body and her eggs as the fruit develops.
Yeah. They usually pollinate my sweet toast in spring and my ham in late summer.
Wasp nest in wall, specialist comes out, sucks them all out, sprays commercial insecticide into wall cavity. Wasps that were out of nest at the time come back and get confused and piss off, couple days later they’re back and have found new unbefore seen holes to fly into, specialist tells me to buy trap and fill with meat. Buy canned ham and dump in trap. All wasps that came back are now in trap. Thanks Ham.
This waZZp propaganda is getting out of control! We need to censor it! Block Wasp Today and Waspnik right now!
Nope. Don’t care. I’m a scientific realist. 99.999% of the time I educate myself on matters such as these if I am misinformed, and change my stance promptly based on new information.
But not in this case.
Fuck this meme, fuck this info, and fuck wasps.