my anti-depressants are starting to fail after 4 years. please help. please clap. I hate feeling the real world. it’s horrible.
TW: Mental Health
As someone who has had severe depression since childhood I’d say this is pretty normal, but it’s caused me to reflect a lot. I feel in my case, the meds never actually worked, and were pretty much a placebo. I think depression is impossible to effect with meds because I feel it ultimately is due to material conditions and not necessarily something being “wrong” with you. I’d keep in mind we aren’t mad to sit in a class room, office, couch for 12+ hrs a day isolated from community. There are no depression studies that take these things into account, they just say “oh so you’re sad that millions are suffering and that your life is slavery outside of the 2 weeks a year we allow you to rest? That must be a you problem, here’s some pills that mess up ur serotonin” then once you’re on the cycle of pills the withdrawals are too brutal so it reinforces the hypothesis for these trials. I don’t really have a solution op, just know that there isn’t anything wrong with you, many people are going through this as well.
You’re doing great! Good job keeping it going! Have you changed your habits recently? Have you been drinking more booze lately? Have you been sleeping enough? Any other diet changes?
I know you know this but we’re just misfiring nerve endings strapped to a meat puppet so if your meds aren’t working, physical needs being met are as important as emotional ones. Are you remembering to take food care of yourself? Are you following the good habits you’ve learned over time? Are there any other extra stressors upsetting your balance?
If your meds aren’t working after 4 years that’s pretty scary (i remember, i cant, i won’t go back there) but depending on how long youve been suffering this dip it can just be temporary. Breathe, brother, you’ve been here before and you made it out last time too
Not sure what to tell you… I hope you manage to cope.
I’ve never taken anti-depressants, but what I can tell you is that diet, exercise, and social interaction are necessary for good mood. I know you’ve probably heard this a million times and maybe even tried it a million times, but if you feel things are really going down the drain then consider going out for a run in the park, look at some happy families or ducks in a pond, and eat a nice meal (I recommend something like stir-fried veggie mix with potato mash, it’s my favorite thing in the whole wide world).
The world is a terrible place, yes, but there’s great things in the world. Like ducks in a pond, as mentioned previously, or good anime and MF DOOM. MF DOOM is dead actually, but his music persists!
I feel like this kind of advice doesn’t get given enough cause it’s “cliche” or feels like telling someone to “touch grass”, but these things do wonders for your mental health. Sunlight, physical contact, just smiling at shit, all great.
None of this can immediately fix a depressive episode, but it does add up.
I know this is like the last shit you wanna do with anxiety but if you can manage, please do.
that’s normal
No but seriously that does suck ass. Sometimes they just stop working and you might need to taper them off and start over or try a new drug. I’d suggest calling your doctor.
Please please please don’t off yourself. Please. We love you even if we’re just some assholes on the Internet. Do you have anyone you can talk to in meatspace? Sit down and tell them what’s going on?