What I’d like to know is why they chose a guy wearing a stahlhelm to represent a US soldier
Some kind of psychology going on here lol
that’s is the main character from the movie “all quiet on the Western front” which adapt the book with the same name. The movie and book are about WW1 and have anti war themes. The author of the picture is probably just trying to equate the US army to Germany at the end of WW1 where they have no more men left.
Hopefully it doesn’t end with a draft.
just mandatory military “training” among young people. hoping some will stcuk around
You’d think after mandatory military training most people would be running for the hills because who would want to suffer through that?
1 year of military service can be summarized as 2 months of hell (basic training), a few months of actual training, and like half a year or more of doing nothing except sudden marching and shooting training.
If there’s a draft, I’m burning the fucking card and fleeing to China. I don’t give a shit if I have to swim there.
Given how much more difficult it is to cross borders in the 21st century, I wonder if draft dodgers fleeing the US like they did in the '60s and '70s is even possible anymore.
I’ll serve crack before I serve this country
Is it becaues people are realising the whole system is designed to intentionally deny an education which is then offered as bait to coerce people into enlisting?
I haven’t finished revoking my citizenship (this year, I hope!) , but knowing I will forever be out of reach of the US draft once I do is extremely motivating.