Hint 1
It’s mate in 4.
The solution is here - https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/120785379743?tab=analysis&move=59 - check top of the right sidebar.
I started trying something new when I watch speed chess.
Sometimes I watch players stronger than me but not too much stronger than me.
I keep the evaluation bar off so I’m forced to think without hints. I’m way too addicted to the elav bar.
Spoiler - I mention what I saw in real time.
I watched this game a few minutes ago. I thought I was clever to notice Nf7+ and Nxd8 which wins the rook. But even though I love smothered mates - I didn’t even think to look for that. When white played Nh6+ I nearly groaned. What the- Oh! I missed it! Fuuuuuuck!
Talk about taking the L. Cute mate.
I checked the solution and it was much simpler than I expected; can’t the pawn just kill the knight to avoid the king having to move back/forth? Doesn’t seem like checkmate since to escape check it is legal to capture the threatening piece.
Nf7 Kg8
Then, either
… Kh8
Qg8 Rxg8
Smothered checkmate.
… Kf8
Let’s see if I was correct.
EDIT: Seems like I solved this one correctly.
Doesn’t have to be a smother. Kf8 before qf7#
NF7+ KG8 NH6+ KF8 QG7#
If you wanted to be spiteful you could do this to deny the smother
I followed you until Qg7#. The Queen is on e6, so it can’t move to g7 in one move.
ETA: I see you meant Qf7#, but that line doesn’t work in the puzzle because I believe Kf8 is going to be worse than Kh8, but I’d want to see what the analysis says about it. At that point mate in 2 is unavoidable regardless.
I’m like you: I LOOOOVE a good smother mate.