Get off your chest anything you got on the most EPIC billionaire in the world.
Oh shit, I forgot DoNotEat’s name but remembered the fuck out of his videos, been wondering how to find him again for a while. Dope.
“You made a false accusation therefore I am going to dismiss everything else you said!!”
Lol, iF I dOn’T liKe yoU I’ll jUst cOup yoUr aSs.
And only I can say that. If you try to LITERALLY SAY THE SAME TO ME, I’ll sue ya. That said, capitalism is the fairest society we’ll ever live in :)
OH, and I’m a true-blooded socialist, I really am. But, uhh, fuck pronouns, and fuck rose twitter, amirite??
It constantly amazes me how much of history has been driven by and how much wealth has been concentrated in the hands of absolute fucking manchildren.
does beg the question: what could make them to turn all at once? I can only imagine either the system itself that propped him up going away or like steve jobs, a shinnier, stupider tech wizard comes around and the new blood flows to them instead.
I thought they’d turn on him when the Tesla shareholders forced him to resign as president for making a bunch of comically stupid tweets. I figured that would finally black-pill them into accepting that 1) Musk is a man-child 2) Musk, like nearly all Silicon Valley tech capitalists (except for the stupidly rich ones like Bezos and Gates), are betas who can be easily disciplined by the alpha finance capitalists associated with the major investment banks who own large chunks of Tesla stock.
While at paypal he tried to get them to switch from unix to windows server
Absolutely reprehensible
use this point as a gateway to drag nerds to the left. convince them that free and open source software is good first
shouldn’t be too hard considering the best parts of the digital wild west years was all the community building, the sharing and the development of things for its own sake. Also how monetization, copyright and ads are inherently capitalist things that unequivocally have made the internet a shittier experience.