Go for it, Nintendo. Emulation has already been proven in courts to not be sufficient evidence for wrongdoing. Also:
However, its latest move feels particularly heavy-handed, as it has issued a copyright strike against a YouTube channel that reviews emulation handhelds.
Go fuck yourself. I hope you get hit with an anti-SLAPP across your litigious faces.
The youtube channel would first need to be willing to take Nintendo to court.
Naturally. I can hope for it, but I would never expect them to counter-sue. They’re the person harmed, so they get to decide what justice looks like for them, and sometimes people just want to go back to normal.
Sanctions are really the only thing the judge has at their disposal, and I doubt Nintendo’s lawyers are dumb enough to get sanctioned.
nintendrones are the most brainwashed corporate bootlickers I’ve ever encountered
I think there’s a pervasive myth about Nintendo, and that is that their games don’t innovate on themselves. Sure, there are maybe some titles that are not so innovative and seem like rehashes, but then there are the games that do that receive universal acclaim. Even using Zelda as an example. Majora’s Mask is an asset flip of Ocarina of Time, yet it does so many things differently and both are unique must play experiences. Coming from LttP to the N64 was a revelation. Metroid Prime is an inspired evolution of the classic Metroid game design. Paper Mario came out of nowhere and blew everyone away for a couple generations. Breath of the Wild had some of the most exciting emergent gameplay out of any title ever released. Even on a bad day, Nintendo innovates harder than Ubisoft has ever done. Don’t let the fanboys tell you what Nintendo is thinking. They’re full of shit. Nintendo isn’t making a new F-Zero game purely because there isn’t any demand for it. Nintendo is not allergic to money.
That being said, fuck their over litigious anti-consumer tactics. It loses them goodwill with the gaming community.
“well will not rerelease these games, and no you cannot play them any other way”