So they never actually meant to hit those targets?
Amaize said another reason corporations may appear to be retreating on their climate targets is a phenomenon she calls “green-hushing.” That is, as a result of anti-greenwashing legislation such as amendments to Canada’s Competition Act under Bill C-59, some companies might be reluctant to tout their environmental measures for fear of being sued for false claims.
A prominent example is the Pathways Alliance, a consortium of Canada’s six biggest oilsands companies, which removed almost all content from its website and social media feeds in June in response to C-59.
Because it makes them more moeny and they realized the average person doesn’t give a shit so there’s no negative consequences.
Even your standard issue lib is at “do nothing because China exists, even though their per capita carbon footprint is 1/4 of Americans”.
Also, a lot of what’s counted as China’s carbon footprint is actually amerikkka’s outsourced footprint
Hoarding as much money before the collapse
they can’t pretend anymore, so they’re dropping the pretense
They should be required to advertise their withdrawal as much as they did the rollout.
Comes down to money, like every reason every company does anything at all.
Companies need a legally binding duty to serve their employees and the greater public interest before the fiduciary duty to shareholders if you want this to change, which will never happen. If this became law the stock market and all of the wealthiest people would lose vast wealth overnight, and we know they get their share first since they run the show.
Companies need a legally binding duty to serve their employees and the greater public interest before the fiduciary duty to shareholders
About as realistic as trying to legally prohibit tigers from eating people.
I agree.
A good half measure would be giving employees a major share of all revenue a business generates and the option to buy shares to re-invest in the company for a bigger long term prospect of future earnings.
Today work is just like rent. You show up and they pay you to be there but ultimately the workers don’t get a reasonable share of the fruits of their labors, only the ones who own the company benefit, and those they choose through the board of director decisions to receive disproportional compensation. It’s a horrible system that only funnels wealth to the minority at the expense of the majority.
Today work is just like rent.
This comparison between bosses and landleacheslords is a useful one. If you haven’t read any Marx, I think you would really appreciate his insights on the exploitative dynamics inherent to capitalism, including the ones you describe. I venture to suggest it would spoil your appetite for half measures.