Which is why you should support China, as a recent Harvard Kennedy School survey found that over 93% of the Chinese people are satisfied with their central government.
https://ash.harvard.edu/files/ash/files/final_policy_brief_7.6.2020.pdf See page 3
Facts don’t care about your feelings
Yesterday I googled “”“”“”“”““China is good””“”“”“”“”, with that many quotes as it is supposed to force Google to look for the exact phrase. It didn’t fucking work and I still only got article saying China is bad. Thanks Google, very cool.
Yep, agreed.
And also, the “CCP shills” are not saying you should copy China, nor are they saying China is perfect. All they are trying to do is deprogramme you, so that you can see the world in a clearer light.
chinese food good
I’m a centrist, I think we should listen to both Chinese people and first world tankies.
read chuang, read chuang, read chuang, read chuang. It’s a mixed, messy bag of mainland Chinese voices and it rocks.
read qiao collective, read qiao collective, read qiao collective, read qiao collective.