33 points
I use an add blocker to such an extent im horrified every time I’m on an unfamiliar device and have to deal with copious adds.
13 points
I remembered a scene of a black mirror episode: if the person looked away the ads will stop until the person watch it again and it’s unavoidable … I wonder if this will be a reality one day
10 points
Put a pi-hole in my rooter filtering all adds of all webs and apps was the best thing I ever did.
2 points
put a pi-hole in my rooter
Giggity What would be the definition if it was in the urban dictionary?
2 points
Allot of my phrases tend to be like this without noticing… Its like a power I think
2 points
7 points
Yes, I someones forget how people live.
6 points
uBlock origin carries my browser ngl