Ope lemme just sneak past ya right there real quick oh sorry there whoops oh geez real sorry about that fella oh boy
Also real coward behavior by the guy here to to face away from the male model
This is literally the people as furniture bit from Soylent Green, and even people at the top of the modeling racket in the west make me uncomfortable thinking about everyone on the lower rungs of the pyramid scheme being pushed around by the little Kanyes and Epsteins of the world.
How long do the models need to stand there? Do they get breaks, do they swap after a few hours? Do people who are sick get to go around them? I wouldn’t want them to catch covid from anyone. I think these nude models need a union.
I’m a midwesterner, trust me, this is a dream come true.
I would face the male model for fear of seeming like a creep. They’re both hot though.
Am I allowed to also be nude when I squeeze through?