Various species grow on hard or soft wood logs. If you have access to fresh logs, this is a great way of turning dead space into a garden. These will produce 1-3lbs of shiitake per log per year. I got them for free when a redditor was cutting down a tree on their farm so it can be very low-cost high-yield.
Oh hell yeah chicken of the woods are so damn good I’m gonna be watching this project keep us updated!
Shiitake are really good culinary mushrooms that replace meat’s role in a dish. You can cook them fresh or dry them. Chicken of the Woods is another good culinary mushroom which replicates the taste and texture of chicken pretty well. You can use this same technique to grow medicinal mushrooms taken in a tea too, but I only grow edible ones.
yo that’s pretty cool. I think selling mushrooms would be a good side hustle.
this is really fucking cool
We love our wet logs, don’t we folks?